Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
More Information on COVID-19
To find the most up-to-date information and guidance on COVID-19, please visit the Department of Health’s dedicated COVID-19 webpage. For information and advisories from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), please visit the CDC COVID-19 website. For more information about current travel advisories issued by the U.S. Department of State, please visit the travel advisory website.
15 Little Acts of Kindness to Implement During COVID-19
1. Stop trying to fix people. You have not been elected pandemic czar. Protect yourself. Make wise decisions. Educate people but don’t be a warden to other adults.
2. Tip higher than you usually would if you can. People who are doing these jobs aren’t doing them for their health, especially not during a pandemic.
3. Don’t make anyone feel like a burden, not your kids, not elderly relatives, not strangers.
4. Smile and make eye contact.
5. Ask how people are and listen to their answers.
6. Contact distant friends and family, especially your extroverts. The shelter-in-place orders are harder for some people than others.
7. Share beautiful pictures on social media without lamenting what you’re missing. Help people enjoy them for the beautiful moments they were.
8. Don’t hoard. We are not in–nor are we in danger of–being under martial law. Our cultural fascination with post-apocalyptic TV shows and movies has skewed our reality. When you walk into a grocery store, don’t envision yourself as a character in The Walking Dead. There’s enough for everyone.
9. Give your knowledge. If you are an expert in a certain area whether professionally or as a hobby, consider sharing your knowledge for free–or nearly so–with others on social media.
10. Share your talent. If you have a special talent such as artistry, spots, fitness, music, or writing, share that on social media.
11. Create an activity for kids to do and livestream it on social media for parents struggling to fill their children’s time.
12. Read to someone over the phone or on FaceTime. Children and adults enjoy stories.
13. “Visit” a few nursing home residents on FaceTime. Contact the nursing home administrator and ask if they think some of the residents would be interested in that.
14. Choose someone who has been mean to you or difficult in the past. Reach out to them and share a good memory.
15. Send someone chocolates, a meal, or some little item just because. Help them understand how to order offline or better yet, do it for them.
In the midst of all that is going on in the world, we would like to give a reminder to complete your online 2020 Census! Information is below!