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Breastmilk is the perfect food for infants and the only food they need for about the first six months of life.

Breastmilk is the perfect food for infants and the only food they need for about the first six months of life.  It is free yet provides long lasting health benefits to both the mother and baby.  The physical nature of breastfeeding provides the mother and baby with a joyful bonding experience.  Though natural, breastfeeding is a learned skill that requires patience and practice. For some women, the learning stages can be frustrating and uncomfortable and for others, it is easy. Some situations make breastfeeding even harder, such as babies born prematurely or health problems in the mother or baby.  The good news is that it does get easier, and support for breastfeeding mothers is growing.

If you are pregnant and planning to breastfeed, it is recommended that you attend at least one prenatal breastfeeding class before delivery. Talk to your prenatal health care provider about your desire to breastfeed and ask how they can support your decision. And be sure to choose a pediatrician that supports breastfeeding.

If you live in Broward County and are breastfeeding and need help, ask for it.  Don’t wait. There are many resources available including the WIC office, private lactation consultants and lactation specialists, and some assistance may be available through local home visiting programs.  The hospital where you deliver your baby may also offer assistance after you leave the hospital.

Additional Information

For Florida Department of Health in Broward County’s WIC Program WARMLINE, call (954) 467-4511.

Breastfeeding Resource Guide for Broward County can be viewed by clicking here Breastfeeding Support Guide.

Visit https://www.womenshealth.gov/breastfeeding/– for tips, suggestions, and more.

Visit http://www.lllflorida.com/lalecheleague/groups/lll-of-ft-lauderdale/ – to obtain breastfeeding help, locate La Leche League support groups, and obtain tips and information sheets to help you meet your personal breastfeeding goals.

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