In the event a hurricane or other national disaster is impending for our area, the following guidance is provided to families seeking services that are pregnant or with children ages 0-3. For the most current information on any impending disaster, visit https://www.floridadisaster.org/.
Before the disaster, each family needs a disaster plan. Families can complete their own plan, customizable to them through the Florida Department of Health website at: https://apps.floridadisaster.org/getaplan/family.aspx or they can use the Red Cross template below. In addition, a “ready to go kit” is essential for optimal health and safety during the event.
If you receive home visiting services from Healthy Start in Broward County, your home visitor will assist in developing a disaster plan. You will be contacted by your home visitor to make sure there are no immediate needs as the disaster approaches and before the situation becomes dangerous.
If you are in the last few weeks of your pregnancy or you have a high-risk condition such as preterm labor or twin pregnancy, check with your doctor or midwife and/or hospital where you plan to give birth for guidance and information about whether you should go to the hospital during the storm.
Home visitors, like Healthy Start families, are encouraged to have their own plan, make arrangements for their own family, and adhere to the local warnings, evacuations notices, and advisories. Therefore, home visiting services are not available during the height of the disaster. It is imperative that you make sure you have contacted your home visitor with any emergent needs before the storm or impending disaster.
There are multiple shelters available in the county that will be announced in the local television news and radio. If you are in a zone that is asked to evacuate, please do so and let your home visitor know. For any assistance during the storm call 211. For emergencies dial 911.
For CONNECT – Families can leave a message and we will be periodically checking messages and returning those calls as soon as we are able – (954) 567-7174.
Your home visitor will contact you as soon as possible after the event, to verify your safety and evaluate your needs. If you have not heard from your home visitor within 24 hours of the end of the storm/event, contact (954) 563-7583.
Please be sure to have your home visitor or Healthy Start worker’s phone number(s) available so you are able to contact them after the storm.