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The decision to breastfeed is a personal one. As a new mom, you deserve support no matter how you decide to feed your baby.

Is my breastmilk safe for me baby?

  • There is a lot of unknown information about COVID-19 spread. In the limited studies on woman with COVID-19, the virus has not been detected in breast milk; however, we do not know whether mothers with COVID-19 can transmit the virus via breast milk.
  • Currently, the primary concern is not whether the virus can be transmitted through breastmilk, but rather whether an infected mother can transmit the virus through respiratory droplets during the period of breastfeeding.

Can I still breastfeed my baby if I am not infected?
Breast milk provides protection against many illnesses. Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience and an incredible bond between you and your baby! To begin or continuation of breastfeeding your baby is determined by you, the mother in collaboration with your family and health care practitioners.

What are some precautions to take while breastfeeding your baby?

  • Wash your hands before touching your infant
  • Wear a mask while breastfeeding
  • If you are using a breast pump, wash your hands thoroughly before touching any content
  • Sterilize all breast pump materials after each use

For further information about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Breastfeeding visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/pregnancy-breastfeeding.html#anchor_1584169714